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Pollo Con Le Olive

Dutchy Pippa

Y’all remembered Pippa, ain’t it? The chick’n lovin’ black white pussycat from the Netherlands. She and her meowma in the pink Purrsche were ridin’ high up in the sky, taking their Instagram account to new levels of creativity.

Personally, I love them, because they feel like close friends open to chitchat every day on Instagram. Recently they shared a new recipe, of course with chicken, and of course, one which is “not for the poes,” (original in Dutch: “niet voor de poes”). Literally, this phrase translates as “not for the cat.” Figuratively it means “no joke” or “hard to despise.” Like, “now there comes a monkey out of a sleeve”, translated “nu komt de aap uit de mouw”, actually funny enough sort of meaning “here comes the cat out of the bag”. Anyway, you get it [see translation website].

Don’t Feed it to Your Cat

Yes, the recipe is not for the cat, as some time ago you might have read Ayijiang (former CatSwoppr Marketing Lead) her post the Eight Things That You Do Which Are Slowly Killing Your Cat, of which number 3 “Feed Them Your Food”.


4 persons

8 Drumsticks

Olive oil

1 Onion

80-100 Grams of mixed olives (green, black, kalamata; seedless)

2 Small glasses of red wine

1 Clove of garlic


2 Tomatoes in pieces

500ml Beef broth from 1 tablet

Remove as much skin as possible from the chicken legs. You can do this by peeling the skin down and then using scissors to cut all around. Finely chop the onion and garlic.

Put a good splash of olive oil in a skillet and fry the onion until soft. Add the chicken, garlic and rosemary and cook for about 10 minutes. Then, add the wine and simmer for a few minutes. Add the tomato and a dash of salt and pepper. Stir well and put the lid on the pan. Let everything cook slowly for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Add some broth if needed.

After half an hour, chop the olives and add them to the pan. Cook for approximately 10 minutes. The Pollo con Olive is ready when you have a nice, thick sauce and when the chicken is well-cooked.

Serve with a nice bread to dip the sauce in.

Buon appetito!

Meowmy’s Advice

“I always get the olives in cans and big jars from the Turkish supermarket. The pitted black ones are a favorite here, you know, those wrinkled ones 😊😊”

“And, yes, of course, you can also make them with those little chicken legs, as a snack”

How Does it Taste? Leave Your Comment!

I feel grateful and happy that Pippa and her meowma came up with a new chicken recipe again. Personally, I think - sassy as a cat - I will try making the dish with chicken fillet instead of the chicken legs, since I am not so much of a bones-man myself haha.

Please let us know in the comments what you guys think of the recipe and how it tasted! Feel free to make and share a food picture of it!

The pretty collar of Pippa is made by @nilami_s (the cat meowmy of @senor_puss)


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