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Help Moli Battling FIP

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Hello pawrents, cat community, and readers, let me introduce myself. My name is Moli. I live in Turkey with my pawrent and my other 60 brothers and sisters. My brother and sisters are also not in the best shape. We all have our flaws, some of them are blind some of them are paralyzed, and all of our flaws do not stop us from enjoying our life. My meow-mom is trying her best to take care of all of us and we are grateful for it. We could not thank her enough for all that she has done for us. Last time, I was not feeling well and my meow-mom decided to take me to the vet, and it turns out the vet diagnosed me with anemia. They said that my body developed severe anemia due to corona. I have done several treatments such as blood transfusion before and sadly there was no progress.


(Moli at the vet doing the FIP treatment)


And due to these circumstances, my vet told me to start treatment by taking a dose of GS 44 dry fit, which my meow-mom decided to do. Dear pawrents, cat community, and readers, I wanted to feel better again so I can play with my brothers and sisters, thus, helping my meow-mom and me get through my journey of battling my FIP. Of course, we will keep you up to date with my FIP recovery. Every help really matters to me and also to ease up my mom the donations can be in the form of anything. If you want to donate for helping me get my dosage of medications you can go to my Instagram account @fip.savascisi.moli on the bio there is a link to PayPal, when you do donate please write my name Moli and my meow-mom name, Sibel Poge. Thank you so much for all the help.

Ps. learn more about FIP in the blog about kitten Ten from Japan, and read also the stories about FIP of Gizmo, and Oğlum from Turkey.


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