Hello, pawrents! Do you like to celebrate your cat's birthday and want to make or create something that is special for your cat? Don’t you worry! We got you covered! We will share with you our 3 best recipes for a birthday cake for your cats. Yes, you read that right! Birthday cake for your cats, according to our research cat is allowed to eat anything except snacks or food that contains chocolate, grape or raisins, onions or garlic, macadamia nuts, bread dough, alcohol, and xylitol.
Do not worry! Our recipe does not contain any bread dough although theoretically speaking deserts can be considered cake if they contain bread dough. However, this is a one-of-a-kind cake recipe that does not contain any bread dough which means this recipe is 100% safe for your cats to consume and easy to make. So, Let's get started!

Thon, poulet et patate douce Birthday Cake!

It does sound fancy and it looks fancy! This birthday cake is easy to make, and yes the name mentioned all of the recipes which consist of tuna, chicken, and sweet potato!
1 5-ounce can of white albacore tuna in water with no salt added
1/2 cup finely diced cooked chicken
1/2 cup pure sweet potato puree
rice flour, optional
mashed potatoes for frosting, also optional
Line a small rimmed baking sheet with waxed paper.
Lock your cats out of the kitchen unless you want them to lose their minds when you open the tuna can.
Open the tuna can. Drain the tuna of any water, then scoop the tuna into a medium mixing bowl. Flake the tuna into small bits.
Add the diced chicken to the bowl, then stir in the sweet potato puree, adding just enough to keep the mixture together. You may not need the entire 1/2 cup.
If your sweet potato is a little loose and watery, add rice flour 1 teaspoon at a time to soak up the excess moisture.
You can do the fancy chef thing as I did in the photos above and place a 1-inch round cookie cutter on a plate, then scoop the mix into the cutter, smoothing it to the edges. Lift the cutter and voila! You have a perfect little round of “cake.”
To frost the cake, you can get even fancier and pipe the mashed potatoes with a pastry bag fitted with a large piping tip, or you can just dollop a bit on top.
2. Pea Sashimi Birthday Cake!

This birthday cake is inspired by Japanese food, sushi. However, it’s not just contained or filled with just full salmon additional ingredients in this cake are pea! Yes, you read that right, Pea! This cake also has other additional ingredients such as sweet potato and chicken breasts! Yum! Your cat will thank you for this if you make them one for their birthday.
1 steamed or boiled sweet potato
1 can of tuna, drained (save the juice as a treat for your cat)
1 cooked chicken breast, shredded
½ cup of cooked peas and/or string beans
Steam or boil the sweet potato based on your preference or cooking tools available
Let the sweet potato cool completely before peeling the skin
Mash the sweet potato in a bowl
Cook the chicken breast fully and use a knife to shred it
Drain a can of tuna and save the tuna juice
Flash cook the peas/string beans and cool in ice cold water
In a bowl or food processor, combine the tuna and chicken breast mixture
Remove half of the mixture into another separate bowl
Mix mashed sweet potato with tuna/chicken mixture
Mix remaining tuna/chicken mixture with peas/string beans
Use a small bowl to shape the separate flavored mixtures into a layer
Shape and stack layers according to your preference
Use any leftover peas or sweet potato mash to garnish the cake
This recipe is invented by a pawrents who love to spoil their cats, Preston and Krista! Thank you for sharing with us this recipe! :)
3. Salmon and Sweet Potato Cake!

You can imagine the taste of fresh salmon and the sweet sugary from the sweet potato, it is a perfect combination for your cat cake birthday! Even your cat will think that you are a master chef for creating this perfect combination of fresh and sweet birthday cake!
1.5 ounces of white albacore in tuna with water (no added salt)
Half a cup of finely diced chicken (cooked)
Half a cup of pure sweet potato puree
Optional: rice flour and mashed potatoes
Line a baking sheet with waxed paper.
Drain the tuna, and put it in a mixing bowl, flaking it into small pieces as you do so.
Add the chicken, and stir in the potato puree. If it’s watery, add rice flour one teaspoon at a time.
Place a cookie cutter on a plate, and scoop the mixture into the cutter, making sure it reaches the edges. You now have your cake!
And that is our top 3 birthday cake recipe that is easy to make and cat-safe! I hope our recipe is helpful and can be enjoyed by your cat on their birthday. Sometimes as pawrents you have to get creative to celebrate their birthday and not just give them a canned tuna with a candle on top. Give back to your cats, create memories and cherish the moment.