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BabyGirl and Mew: The Dynamic Duo

My name is cat mom Itty Bitty and I come from Trinidad and Tobago. Allow me to introduce you to my BabyGirl and Mew, two delightful domestic shorthair cats who have filled my life with joy and companionship. Both of them are just 2 years old, and their journey into my life is one filled with warmth and serendipity.

About the Cats 

The story behind their names is as charming as they are. BabyGirl, aptly named, was the tiniest of her litter. As I cared for her, I found myself constantly referring to her as "BabyGirl," and the name just stuck. Mew, on the other hand, carries a name with a bit of a backstory. I had another cat named Meow, and Mew, being a smaller version of that cat, seemed like a perfect fit. Plus, as a fan of Pokémon, the name "Mew" felt especially fitting.

Both BabyGirl and Mew are shorthairs, a common but wonderfully diverse breed. At 2 years old, they are in the prime of their playful, affectionate lives.

The Process of Adopting the Cats 

These two didn’t come from a shelter or a pet store; they came from right under my roof! A stray cat chose the space beneath my house as the perfect spot to have her kittens, and that’s how BabyGirl and Mew became a part of my family.

Daily Life and Care 

These kitties are what I like to call "blanket babies." They spend their days snuggled up in my blankets, rarely emerging during daylight hours. When evening comes, though, their day truly begins. They love their lickable treats, and while BabyGirl adores snuggling, Mew is the playful cat, especially fond of little sponge balls. It’s quite entertaining to watch Mew “hunt” these balls, making cute kitty noises the entire time. BabyGirl isn’t left out of the fun either; she joins in, especially when the feather stick toy makes an appearance.

BabyGirl is a delicate, dainty little one who loves pets and takes meticulous care in grooming herself. Mew, however, is a bit more playful and cheeky. He enjoys a good petting session but has a habit of giving a little bite after a while. Kneading is one of his favorite activities, especially when he's feeling relaxed and content.

When it comes to meeting new people, both cats are a bit on the shy side. They’ll usually hide away until they feel it's safe. However, they’re quite curious about the dog outside and often watch him from a safe distance. As for their relationship with each other, they get along beautifully, taking care of one another and sharing a strong sibling bond.

As pawrent, I always make sure BabyGirl and Mew are well taken care of. They have ample food and water, and I ensure we spend quality time together, whether it’s playtime or just snuggling. If they ever need a vet check, I’m ready to take them without hesitation. Their well-being is a top priority for me.

Living in Trinidad and Tobago 

Although we live on a tropical island, BabyGirl and Mew are very much house cats. They enjoy bird watching from the windows and occasionally catching an insect that finds its way indoors. I’m considering leash training them so they can safely explore the outdoors a bit more, but for now, they’re content with their indoor life.

In Trinidad and Tobago, there aren't any specific cultural beliefs or practices that influence how people view or treat cats, at least not in my experience. BabyGirl and Mew are treated with the love and care any pet deserves, regardless of where we live.

Personal Stories 

One unfortunate experience was when Mew was attacked by a dog. It was a frightening moment, but luckily, my brother was there to save him. Mew’s injuries weren’t too severe, and he healed properly, but it was a close call that I’ll never forget.

Having BabyGirl and Mew in my life has been nothing short of life-enhancing. They bring comfort when I need it most and have become an integral part of my daily life. The bond we’ve formed is something I cherish deeply.

Advice for Future Cat Pawrents 

For anyone in Trinidad and Tobago considering getting a cat, I’d strongly advise spaying or neutering your pets. It’s also important to give them access to being indoors, where they can feel safe and comfortable. While I’m not aware of any specific local resources or communities for cat pawrents, taking these steps will help ensure a happy and healthy life for your feline friends.

Final Thoughts 

Having cats like BabyGirl and Mew is a rewarding experience. They bring joy, comfort, and a unique sense of companionship that’s truly special. I hope this little insight into their lives has given you a glimpse of the happiness they bring me every day.

Thank you for reading, you can follow BabyGirl and Mew on our Instagram account.


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